Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Task 8: Kea's awesome mars rover on Scratch project!

Kia ora fellow bloggers i hope you are all doing well during lockdown. Well today's task was to create a animation of a mars rover on scratch(it was kind of like coding) We had to create it on a site called scratch. It was my first time using scratch but it was so fun it was a bit challenging because some of the commands were a bit confusing and complicated but i still had fun. This task was kind if like stop motion animaton!

                               Here is a photo of my project:

Click this photo and click the link and it should take you to a slide to show you how to create this:


Monday, August 30, 2021

Task 7: Kea's awesome mars rover project! 30.08.21

Kia ora fellow bloggers hope you are doing well in lockdown. Today's task was: CREATE YOUR OWN MARS ROVER! I was so excited to do this challenge it was a bit challenging because the wheels kept falling off but other than that really enjoyed this challenge we got given.Rovers: they are type of robots that discover and take pictures of different planets to take back to earth!

Here is a video and a photo of my project:

                                     I HOPE YOU LIKED MY PROJECT
                                    REMEMBER  BE KIND & STAY SAFE:)

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Task 6: Kea's awesome paper plane project! 25.08.21

Kia ora fellow bloggers hope you are doing well in lockdown. today's task was to create a paper plane the options we got given were a bit hard but i randomly made these two planes the diiference abou these two planes is because one has a blunt end and the other has a pointy end and on the other plane i cut the tops a little bit. The reason why is because i thought that the pointy end would go more father because of how pointy it is.

here is mine:

Here is 3 facts about planes:
1:Some planes can fly for more than five hours after one of their engines goes out.
2: The Wright brothers,Alberto Santos-Dumon,Victor Tatin,E. Lilian Todd invented planes
3:The first ever plane was the:The Wright Flyer which had its first flight in 1903


Task 5: Kea's awesome 3D rocket on tinkercad project! 24.08.21

Talofa lava fellow bloggers hope you are doing well in lockdown. On Google meets we had a special guest and his name was Andy Crowe. He was tellng us about 3d drawing and how to do it.Anyways here is task 5!. Task 5 was to create a 3D rocket on tinkercad. Tinkercad is a 3D drawing app/site you can  use shapes to design what you want!. The challenging part about this was lifting the base and putting the boosters in. Other than that it was so fun to create stay tuned for task 6!.

Here's mine: 

I hope you enjoyed it:) Remember: BE KIND & STAY SAFE!

Task 4: Kea's awesome mars helicopter project! 23.08.21

 Kia ora fellow bloggers hope you are doing well in this lockdown sorry i am late about this task. Anyways the task was to create a paper mars helicopter. It is a tiny bit small because i wanted it to be kind of like a baby helicopter it was a bit challenging but also easy at the same time:)

Here's mine:

here is a video of how i did it and what its *supposed*(sorry about spelling) to do:D

                                 I hope you enjoyed it bye remember be: KIND & STAY SAFE!

Friday, August 20, 2021

Task 3: Kea's Awesome Space station project! 20.08.21

Talofa lava fellow bloggers i hope you're doing well in lockdown well this week we have been learning about:SPACE,NASA & ROCKET LAB. During lockdown for distance learning we got given a task and that task was to create or draw a space station. I really enjoyed this task!

Here is my space station:

Here is how to draw it:

Draw a long rectangle

Draw 1 square on each side

Draw 3 horizontal lines inside the square

On one side draw a line and draw a square and draw lines horizontaly & vertically: Draw 2 on each side

Draw half a circle on 1 side and do the same thing on the other side

Draw a line and stop at the rectangle and do that on the other side to look like my picture


                   I hope you like it:) Remember stay safe and be kind!

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Task 2: Kea's awesome astronaut helmet project! 19.08.21

                         OUR AWESOME HELMET TASK!

Kia ora fellow bloggers i hope you are doing well in lockdown. This week kea have been learning about space,Nasa & rockets!. So for our kea distance learning we got given a task and that task was to create your own astronaut helmet out of any materials in your house or you could even draw it fun right! I made mine out of a paper plate.The challenging part about this was cutting the thick paper plate. The fun thing about this task was of course: DECORATING IT! i was so excited:).

Here is mine i made:

Here is my description about it:
I cut the top so it could also be like a mask!
I hid a secret word on the plate comment if you found it!
I put a cute little antenna with stars
I also drew a super cute ufo if you see!
And wrote a message on it:)

Materials & Things i used:
White Tape
1 Plain Paper plate
Purple Felt tip
Green & Blue Crayon
Pink Marker

                                                    Also i will put in my next post how to make it!:)
                                              I hope you like my helmet! Remember stay safe and be kind!

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Task 1: Kea's Awesome Rocket Project! 18.08.21

Hello fellow bloggers, As you may know... we are in lockdown and because of lockdown our online distance learning teachers gave us a project to do to occupie ourselves the project was to create or draw your own rocket!.

I made my rocket out of lego's the challenging part about this project was making the nose part on the top. the color lgeo's i used was: Red,Yellow,Green,Blue & Grey I used the red and yellow lego's for the flame and the green,blue & grey lego's were used for the body! I also likes how this project also goes with our space learning this week:) It took very long to make but i still had fun i also liked how the flame was like it was pixalated:)

It was so fun to create heres mine:

                                  REMEMBER: BE KIND AND STAY SAFE EVERYONE:)

Friday, August 13, 2021



Swoosh! Do you know the 4 forces of flight?

Well… The 4 forces of flight are called: Thrust,Drag,Weight & lift. Thrust is what pulls the aircraft forward,Drag is what drags the aircraft,Weight is what holds back the aircraft & lift is what lifts up the aircraft into the air.

On Monday the kea team had experiment monday! We conducted an experiment that had to do with flight. It was flax throwing! We were so excited to do this experiment! 

First, In the morning the teachers put everyone into groups. The teacher that i had was whaea sam. The people in my group were: David W,Tema,Mesa & siobhan. In each group we got to choose each others roles the roles that we could choose was: The timer person,The mesurer,The recorder*writer* & The flax thrower.

Next, after we got into our groups and after we each got assigned jobs we went outside onto the basketball courts and started the awesome experiment. First we did attempt 1: Thrown by tema and it was 22 of David W’s feet. That's how we measured the distance of the flax. The flax was so smooth and slick. Our farthest distance was 51 of tema’s feet.

Then, on the sheet we had to record our stuff on had some cool interesting questions we had to answer*example: What was your best attempt* after we answered the questions we finished our experiment sheet!. We had so much fun contucting this experiment about flight!



The end. By: Sarah!

Tuesday, August 3, 2021



BAM!! Breaking news did you know on tuesday the 3rd of August

in the early morning hours in Auckland,New Zealand... Weather has

been so wild and dangerous this raging weather has put so many houses

with power cuts and many crashes and flipped over cars,Trucks & Bikes

on the highway. The weather was going at 80km but it increased to

110km (MINDBLOWN) The night before there were reports on news about this

WILD,RAGING SCARY Weather The raging weather started to

BEGIN!!! There was crashing weather such as raging

storms and heavy wind!.This Weather has left so much debris

(leftover things remaining from the incident) on the roads.

In the morning it was raining very heavily on my way to school.

It was very cold. It felt like I was inside a frozen freezer. The wind

was so strong that it blew me back and I nearly got hurt!. Many

reports have been showing many damaged houses from this weatherlike on my way to school I saw a damaged house with its fence laying

on the ground like tornado had happened in this area.

The person says:”I woke up and looked out my window and was so

shocked to look at my fence lying on the ground.”

The end make sure to stay safe from this horrible weather!:)

              ✨By News reporter/writer/Journalist - Sarah Fonua 

Thunderstorms GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY