Saturday, February 19, 2022

!! X !! Raft Building Challenge !! X !!

         Raft Building Challenge !!

                       Have you ever built a raft before?


Well on the 14th of february 2022 the Kea team got to do a cool project. The project was to create and test a handmade raft. The reason we were constructing rafts was because when we have our awesome camp, we will be making rafts too. So we decided to make some at school.

First, we got into our groups of 4-5 and went to our assigned classes. The people in my group were: Soni,Ava,Jeff & Henry. Afterwards we brainstormed our idea’s and what materials we will be using. The materials we used was: Straws,Cardboard,Tin foil,Tape & Sticks. After we gathered our materials, we started to attempt building our raft.

Next, while we were building our rafts,we thought of an idea to add two little flags made out of foil and put it in the middle of our raft as decoration. After that we put cut up straws under the raft to float.

Finally, we finished designing our raft,so we took it onto the fake grass area outside of our classrooms to test it out. We were so surprised at how well our raft survived. Even when we were making the water rough in the tub it still stayed intact and didn’t break.

At last, after we tested our raft we went back to class to write our results. Then after that we shared back to the rest of the class about our rafts whether they had sank or floated.

                                            THE END !!


                              Have you ever constructed 

                           or have been on a raft before?


                                If not you should definitely

                                          Try it , Adios.

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